Engaged Scholarship

“For research to be transformative, the subjects of research must become actors in the transformation of their own environment, as well as interpreters of their own space and place. In the end, the change agents of history are social movements in which everyday people, in their own language and from their own experiences, collectively work to change their world. Culture then becomes a weapon of struggle”

-Leith Mullings, 2000, “African-American women Making Themselves: Notes on the Role of Black Feminist Research,” Souls, p.28.

Harlem BirthRight Project


New York State Scholar-Practitioner Project

Mullings also directed the New York State Scholar-Practitioner Project, an initiative funded by the Kellogg Foundation that sought to bridge the gap between the academy and advocacy organizations. The research team analyzed the effects of welfare reform and presented their findings at five New York City community meetings. Materials, such as those below were produced in English, Spanish and Mandarin.