The New York City African Burial Ground
With Dana Davis, Mullings is currently completing a manuscript on the ethnohistory of the New York City African Burial Ground. The Burial Ground, dating from between the late 1600s and 1794, is he earliest and largest colonial population available for study and the largest colonial-era burial ground for people of African descent. Shortly after its discovery in 1991, people of African descent became involved in a 20-year struggle to recognize, preserve and memorialize the site. Davis and Mullings interviewed key participants about their role in this struggle and how they understood their intervention in constructing history.
Comparative Racisms
Based on a network of anti-racist observatories in several Latin American countries, initiated by Charles Hale and Pamela Calle, this project seeks to analyze conditions of indigenous and African-descended peoples in the western hemisphere. By comparing manifestations of racism, as well as strategies to address it, in five Latin American countries and the United States, the research seeks to shed light on how racism and structured racial inequality is reproduced in the contemporary era.